Commissioner John Pecman visited Slovenian Competition Protection Agency

Commissioner of Competition Bureau Canada, Mr. John Pecman visited the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency (CPA) on 1 December 2017.  At the time of a short non-formal visit, he met with the Director of CPA Andrej Matvoz and all the staff of the Agency.


In discussion with the staff, Commissioner presented the activities and experience of Canadian Competition Bureau with developing competition policy, followed by a more detailed discussion with the senior staff on leniency and advocacy activities. Canada has a long tradition in the field of competition policy. The Competition Act, as a federal law, has been in place since 1889, maintaining and encouraging competition in Canada.


Over his short stay in Slovenia, Commissioner Pecman, accompanied by the Director of CPA, also visited a few Slovenian famous sites while in the subsequent week they jointly attended the OECD Competition Committee meeting in Paris.

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