Slovenian Competition Protection Agency organizes a traditional conference “Slovenian competition day”. The event, focusing on actual topics shall be held on Thursday 28 September 2017 in Best Western Premier Hotel Slon, Slovenska 34, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
This year´s agenda includes two actual topics.
The first panel will focus on restriction of competition by object or by effect with particular view to the question, how to establish a sufficient degree of harm to competition. We planned this discussion with the aim to explore how the application of these principles developed over time and in particular the implication of recent court cases. This matter is particularly important for CPA in view of several court decisions.
Within the second panel, the issues that are going to be discussed are related to potential distortion of competition by non-controlling minority shareholding.
Minority shareholding in the second company can have negative effects on effective competition on the market, despite the fact that does not allow for the implementation of control. Cross-membership of the members of the decision-making bodies and control can cause a threat to the restriction of competition due to the sharing of sensitive information (on prices, strategies, costs, intentions of the company). The concrete result of cross-membership in the decision-making bodies and control can restrict competition on the market and, consequently, reduce welfare for the consumer.
Two conference panels will bring together competition law experts from European Commission, Competition Authorities from Italy, Slovak Republic and Slovenia as well as representatives of Courts, private sector and academics.
Detailed information on the contents of the conference is available in the attached agenda.
For more information, please contact Ms Mirjam Močnik (mirjam.mocnik(at) +386 1 478 3509).
Conference Agenda