“Remedies in Competition Law ”
Ljubljana, 26 September 2019
Opening of the Conference-welcome speech: Andrej Matvoz, Director of CPA, Slovenia
Keynote Speech:
Prof. Richard Whish (Emeritus Professor King's College London)
"The Remedy is the Difficult Part..."
Panel 1: Objectives and limitations of Remedies in Competition Law
Moderator: Mitja Kovač, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana -SEB
- »Effective Competition Law Remedies« (Fabio Cannizzaro, European Commission, DG COMP)
- »Remedies from the perspective of Slovenian Competition Law« (Tomaž Ilešič, Senior Partner, Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & partners)
Panel 2: Competition Remedies in Practice - Antitrust and Merger Control
Moderator: Mitja Kovač, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana -SEB
- »Remedies in Antitrust and Merger Control – Are Merger Remedies Effective?« (Thibaud Vergé, ENSAE Paris / CRA)
- »Recent remedies practice of the EC with a focus on EU merger control« (Birthe Panhans, Evropska Komisija, DG COMP)
- »Competition remedies in practice: overview of recent cases in Croatia« (Ana Pavlaković Skočić, Croatian Competition Authority)
Discussion, conclusions and closing remarks